More shows…

After our last awesome show in the Peace Plaza, Rochester, we decided to take on a couple of more.  Check out our events page for some cool shows with Children 18:3 and Silverline!

The super cool thing is that I used to book both of these bands when I managed a club called “Brick and Amp”.  Now they have a great deal of success on their own, and although some of the members have changed  it’s exciting to see what they have done!  Another person I helped give a start to is Owl City (back when he was in Windsor Airlift).  It’s really kind of neat to see how people grow and what God does in individual lives.

I can’t help but think about my old guitarist in a previous band named Jim.  He committed suicide after one of our concerts.  We were all so young then.  Who knows what he would have went on to do and who he would have been.    Life ALWAYS gets better, people.  With Jesus, it always gets better.  Just hang in there.  I remember in junior high when I thought I didn’t have anything to live for either.  HOW MUCH I would have missed out on!!  Now I’m married to the love of my life, the one who was SO worth waiting for.  I have a great job, a cool band, and the respect and love of true friends and family.  The BEST years of my life were ahead of me, and by all accounts still ARE!  And it is all, literally, due to Jesus.

It’s never worth giving up on everything.  Giving up on yourself, yes, sometimes that is necessary.  But then we need to rely on God.

Crazy things…

Crazy things are in the works, ladies and gentlemen.  We can so clearly see God’s hand at work, and some of our more extravagant  ideas for a live show are in the process of being implemented.  I can’t reveal too much right now, but let me just say, hold on to your hats.  It’s going to be a fun ride!

Thoughts on the first show!

I don’t know what the best part of the night was for me.  Maybe when the merch showed up and we saw how awesome the photo of our faces looked on that t-shirt?  Or maybe seeing how excited Sarah was after so many years of watching Mark practice in my basement?  Maybe the friends that came to support us?  (Probably that!)  Or, actually, maybe for me it was those instances on stage where everything just felt- right.  It felt like, at times, “this is what it is supposed to be like”.

We recorded the show (we’ll probably post it at some point) and watched it as a band.  We had a few rough spots, of course, but in general I was pretty impressed with how we sounded and worked the show, despite feedback concerns at times.  Man, that yellow smoke around me looked KILLER!!  😀  Thanks to Robb, Ken (KNLW) and everyone who helped in putting this show together!

I was really surprised with how well “The Maze” sounded, and had some thoughts on “Walk On” as well.

FYI, we have most of “Too Beautiful” recorded, and are figuring out the best way to add drums right now.  Pretty excited about this, as God has given us a MIDI drum set to more easily insert samples with Reason.  He is sooooo very good to me!

Peace, my little rays.